About AIstar Chatbot

The AIstar chatbot is a combination of generative AI, and some custom feature scripts included. AIstar chatbot can also communicate with other chatbot creating a good and powerful chatbot through botlibre with all the features.



The AIstar chatbot has the capabilty of checking the current weather and can retrieve the following information : The Current Temperature and the Weather Status (Cloudy, Sunny, Rainy, etc.) AIstar uses the weather api in order to perform this task.

VIN number lookup

The AIstar chatbot has the ability to look up the VIN number and retrieve many details about the VIN Number. The only things the chatbot can't retrieve is its history and its title.

Inflation Rate

The AIstar chatbot has some abilites to check the inflation rate through its apis. It can get the monthly and yearly rate from a specific country.


This chatbot has the ability to get the most random quotes that you could never find that easily.

Other things

Other things the chatbot can do is get the population, find recipes, and tell what city a specific postal code belongs to- apis. Otherwise, you would have a regular conversation.

Development Status

Its development status is Stable as of now.